The City of Boone, Iowa

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Water Plant Claricone Painting

Water Plant Claricone Painting

The water plant uses a four step process to treat the water pumped from 14 wells along the Des Moines River. After pumping from the wells, the water moves to the aeration process where oxygen is added for iron and manganese removal. The next step, lime softening, is the most important process. Lime is introduced and reacts with pollutants in the water to create a slurry which then settles out in the claricones and the clean water then continues on to the next treatment step. Carbon stabilizing adjusts the pH of the water to a better level and then the gravity filters are the final treatment step for the water. The recently renovated gravity filters remove any remaining pollutants in suspension in the water before distribution to the public.

The water plant was built in 2000 and after the past 18 years of constant use, the claricones had a large build up of lime sludge and needed to be cleaned and painted. The claricones are the most important step in the water treatment process so it is vital they are kept in good working condition. Each claricone was planned to be enclosed, cleaned and painted while the other remained in service to enable the plant to remain fully operational during the work.

Bid documents were prepared in January and bids were accepted for the cleaning and painting in February. The work was planned to occur over two separate fiscal years to help balance the budget but still allow one contractor to do both within one project. A1A Painting was the winner at $97,000 for this work.

Work began in March and will be completed by May. The work will occur along with normal water plant operation, so there will be no disruption in service to the City. After completion of this work, the plant will be in good shape for the future.

Proper maintenance and operation o f the water plant is a high priority and we will continue to monitor the plant to ensure safe and continuous water service in the future.

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